Supporting School Library Programs
The Florida Power-Library Schools program is sponsored by the Florida Association of Supervisors of Media and the Florida Department of Education's Library Media Services in order to recognize outstanding school library programs in Florida. Quality library programs have been proven to improve student achievement!

In The News
2024-25 FPLS Application
The 2024-25 Application window is open October 1st! The deadline to submit the Statement of Intent is December 13th. Details on the FPLS Application page.
Looking for a proven research process model? Check out the FINDS information on this site, the Florida DOE site, or the FAME site!
If you are working closely with language arts and reading teachers, then you will want to review the K-12 scope and sequence of READS.
Check Out these School Library Facts!

Research shows the highest achieving students attend schools with well-staffed and well-funded library media centers.
(Facts at a Glance: Keith Curry Lance Studies 2006 http://www.lrs.org/documents/lmcstudies/student_achievement_2006.pdf)
Read about the AASL's longitudinal survey entitle School Libraries Count!
(AASL School Libraries Count 2012! - http://www.ala.org/aasl/advocacy/research/slc)
Americans spend over $19.5 billion dollars on home video games so far in 2018.
(Quotable facts about America’s libraries 2012 Page 7, Business Wire March 2011, Silicon Angle March 2011 – “Spending on Video Games Increases 40% in the First Half of 2018.” (http://fortune.com/2018/08/29/video-games-spending-increases-2018/)
The average number of computers outside of the library with networked access to library services has increased significantly.
(AASL School Libraries Count! 2012, pg. 10 http://www.ala.org/aasl/advocacy/research/slc)
School Libraries Contribute to Improving Student Achievement!

Visit Library Research Service: Research and Statistics about Libraries to read more about the state impact studies!(https://www.lrs.org/data-tools/school-libraries/impact-studies/)
Read about the Florida study entitled Making the Grade: The Status of School Library Centers in the Sunshine State and How They Contribute to Sudent Achievement at
Refer to the AASL position paper entitled Instructional Role of the School Librarian for further information on the librarian's teaching role.
Read AASL's position paper Definition of an Effective School Library Program, that will serve as guidance for administrators, school boards and school librarians.

" The Florida Power- Library School program allows you professionally to raise the bar on your own expectations for ways to nurture young minds with library skills. "
David from Palm Beach County
Send us your testimonials and we will place them here!